Sunday, February 15, 2009

Say NO to Neon...

Since when was neon considered a good look???
If you were born in the eighties..and went through the phase of crimped hair and neon leggings...lets put it down to experience !!!(lord i know there are some dodgy pictures out there of me in my tweens) But at a Lady Gaga concert last week (she's a total legend btw) I was bemused to see half of the audience in bright neon glowing 80's style clothing!!! We weren't supporting an 80's tribute band so what was the cause of this!?

I was shocked and appauled then when I went and "interviewed" some of these girls, this was their regular saturday night attire! And they don't stop with the tights and legwarmers, they have glow in the dark eyeshadows, green mascara and neon pink lipstick!I want to know who these kids mothers are and why on earth they were allowed to leave the house looking like that!

Let me be clear...under no circumstances does this look stop being a trend in the 80's for a good reason...let's leave it to the fancy dress!

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